Increase customer satisfaction with use of simple and efficient products

Auto-Chlor System is dedicated to ensuring a sustainable future while addressing present needs effectively.


Our Cleaning Products, recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice Program, are packaged in reusable containers to reduce non-biodegradable waste sent to landfills. By choosing Green Kleen products, you not only contribute to a healthier environment but also benefit from their concentrated cleaning power and superior performance.


For food and beverage manufacturers, maintaining clean surfaces and environments is crucial. It requires a comprehensive cleaning program that is safer for both people and the planet. Auto-Chlor offers a range of products and services designed to help you maintain optimal plant hygiene, ensure food safety, and prevent cross-contamination. Our programs for floor, drain, and doorway sanitization play a vital role in safeguarding your products against environmental contaminants. By implementing regular nightly cleanup routines and taking proactive measures throughout the production day, you can effectively manage microbial growth and reduce the risk to food safety.


At Auto-Chlor, we are committed to providing you with the tools and support needed to maintain high standards of cleanliness while minimizing your impact on the environment.

EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
EPA Safer Choice Certified
