Custom Plans & Tailored Solutions

Personal surveys of your facility to help make make your operation more efficient.

Auto-Chlor Offers...

Professional kitchen, laundry and housekeeping system surveys, as well as cleaning and sanitization surveys for lodging, foodservice and healthcare facilities. With more than 80 years of institutional cleaning and sanitization experience we have the knowledge and expertise to review your facility for proper cleaning procedures, evaluate equipment for efficiency and energy consumption, provide expert advice to correct discrepancies and assist with proper training and implementation of effective practices.

Our surveys look at the overall components of your cleaning and sanitization process – energy, labor, chemical, replacement costs (breakage or soiled linen) and indirect costs (repairs, maintenance, supplies and overhead). Typical survey points include:

Commercial Kitchens

Clean commercial kitchen with hanging black lamps and a stack of plates in monochrome.

On Premise Laundry

Close-up of a person pressing a button on a commercial dishwasher's control panel in grayscale.

